Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/635

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Unification of Germany and Italy

There are at least two satisfactory political histories of the nineteenth century, — those of Andrews and of Seignobos, mentioned above. The English translation of Seignobos is edited by Professor MacVane and is supplied with extensive and discriminating bibliographies at the close of each chapter. Somewhat briefer and rather journalistic is Müller, History of Recent Times, giving especial attention to Germany, 1816-1875. Very recent political developments are treated by Professor Andrews in his volume on Contemporaneous Europe, the last in the great set, " The History of all Nations," published by Lea Brothers. In due time Vols. X-XII of the Cambridge Modern History will appear, and will, it is to be hoped, give a broad view of the general progress of the century.

These general accounts may be supplemented by the following:

Anderson, [[Constitutions and Other Select Documents Illustrative of the History of France, 1789-1904]].

Malleson, Life of Prince Metternich.

Munroe Smith, Bis?narck and German Unity. Excellent short account. Sybel, Founding of the German Empire, Vol. I. Gives an excellent review of German history following 1S15. Bismarck, The Man and the Statesma?i, 2 vols. Being reflections and reminiscences written and dictated by himself after his retirement from office. Busch, Our Chancellor. Interesting impressions of Bismarck by his secretary. Thayer, William R., Dawn of Italian I?idepe?idence, 2 vols. Schol- arly and interesting account up to the revolution of 1848. Countess Cesaresco, Liberation of Italy. This and Stillman, The Union of Italy, 18/5-1895, are exceptionally good accounts by writers who have lived long in Italy. Hanotaux, Contemporary France, Vol. I has appeared, 1903. Coubertin, The Evolution of France under the Third Republic. Traill, Social England, Vol. VI. McCarthy. History of Our Own Times, 4 vols. Holland, European Concert in the Eastern Question. Lowell, Govern7nent and Parlies in Continental Europe, 2 vols. Very important. BuLLE, Geschichte der neuesten Zeit, 2d ed., 4 vols., 1886-1887. A very C. Materials careful work by one familiar with public questions in Germany. Perhaps for advanced the best general account of the political history of the nineteenth century. " ud y-