Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/661

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Europe of To-day 623 Translations of the constitutions of France, Prussia, Italy, and Belgium Translations are published as supplements to the " Annals of the American Academy of constl - of Political and Social Science," 1892-1896. The constitutions of the German empire and Switzerland are to be found in the Wharton School Series (University of Pennsylvania). These are reproduced in Larned, History for Ready Reference, Vol. I, pp. 538 sqq . The Statesman's Yearbook, annually since 1865, is a veritable mine of information on the governments, statistics, and industries of all the coun- tries of the world. Brief but useful bibliographies are included. Reinsch, World Politics at the End of the Nineteenth Century, 1900 : Imperialism. a suggestive and valuable work on the forces underlying imperialism, the Chinese question, and the reflex influence of Eastern developments on Western politics. By the same, Colonial Government, 1902: an analysis of the economic forces in imperialism and a discussion of the methods of colonial government ; useful general and topical bibliogra- phies are given. Hobson, Imperialism : a Study, 1902: an indictment of British imperial policy on economic grounds. Skrine, The Expan- sion of Russia, 1815-iQoo, 1903 : devotes more attention to internal poli- tics than the title implies. Rambaud, The Expansion of Russia, 1904: brief and readable account of Russian advance in Europe and Asia. Keltie, Partition of Africa, 1895 : a detailed history of the operations of European powers in Africa. Douglas, Europe and the Far East, 1904 : a full account of the relations between Europe and China, Korea, and Japan. Foster, Arbitration and The Hague Court, 1904: a brief account of International the present position of international arbitration. arbitration. For the history of modern science there are two good general works : C. Materials MtJLLER, Geschichte der orga?iische?z Naturwissenschaften im neunzehjiten J or advanced study * fahrhundert, 1902, and GuNTHER, Geschichte der anorganischen Natur- wissenschaften im neunzehnten fahrhundert, 1901. In English we have Williams, A History of Science, 6 vols. A succinct review of the scien- tific advance is published each year in " The Annual Register." From the vast range of works describing economic conditions the following may be selected: Webb, The History of Trade Unionis?n, 1901 ; Hutchins and Harrison, History of Factory Legislation, 1903; both relating to England. A valuable summary of European labor legis- lation is to be found in the "Report of the Industrial Commission," Vol. XVI, 1 90 1. SOMBART, Die deutsche Vol kswirtsc haft im ?ieunzehnten fahrhundert, 1903; Levasseur, Histoire des classes ouvrrtres et de Economic conditions.