Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/664

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626 Readings in European History Charles V, emperor, attitude toward Luther, 83 sqq. ; abdi- cation of, 165 sqq. Charles VIII, expedition of, into Italy, 1 sqq. Charter, French, of 1814, 538^^. Church and State, l^sqq.y in sq., 1 16. Civil constitution of the clergy, 423 sqq. Civil war in England, 239 sq. Clarendon, opinion of, on Crom- well, 248 sqq. Clergy, nonjuring, 441 sq. Clive, 339, 341 sq. Colbert and his work, 277 sqq. Colet, 135 sq. Coligny, murder of, 180 sq. Colonies, European, 620 sqq. Commines, 1 sq. Commonwealth in England, 245 sqq. Confederation of the Rhine, 499 sqq. Confession, i$6sq. Confessional letters, 56. Consistory, 133. Convention, the French, opening debate in, 446 sqq. ; proclama- tion of (Dec. 1792), 449 sq. Cromwell, 245^^.; letter of, to the Great Elector, 315 j-^. ; Clar- endon's estimate of, 248 sqq. Crotus Rubeanus, 47. Darwin, critics of, 605 sq. Declaration of Right, 260 sqq. Declaration of the Rights of Man, 409 sqq. Deism, 384 sqq. Desmoulins, Camille, 454 sqq. Diet, German, 33 sq. Dissenters, 256 sqq. Divine right of kings, 219 sq.; Bos- suet's views of, 272 sqq. Dutch colonies, 334^. East India Company, English, 333- Eck, 64. Edward VI, Protestantism under, 1 46 sqq. Egyptian expedition of Bonaparte, 473 m- Eikon Basilike, 267. Elders, in Presbyterian Church, Elizabeth, Queen, 186 sqq., 191 sqq. Elizabeth, wife of the " Winter King," 203 sq. Emigres, 432, 438 sqq. Emile, Rousseau's, 383. Ems telegram, 589 sq. England, expansion of, 331 sqq. Erasmus, ~}$sqq., 61; New Testa- ment of, 49 ; attitude of, toward Luther, 89 sq. ; visit of, to Eng- land, 135. Erfurt programme, 619. Estates General, opening of, 400 sqq., 402 sqq. Evelyn, diary of, 255 sq. Excommunication in Presbyterian Church, 132 sq. Farel, 129^. Ferdinand of Aragon, 9 sq. Feudal dues in France, 378; abo- lition of, 404 sqq. "Fevers, the," of Hutten, 69 sq. Fisher, execution of, 142. Florence, 6 sq. Fontainebleau, Treaty of, 525. France, wars of religion in, 179 sqq.; under Louis XIV, 268 sqq.; Ancien Regime in, 360 sqq. ; Rev- olution in, 397 sqq. ; first republic, 428 sqq.; restoration in, 533 sqq.; second republic and empire, 559 -W- 5 third republic, 592 sq. Francis I of France, 18 sqq. Francis II, emperor, abdication of, 501 sqq. Franco-Prussian War, 588 sqq. Frankfort parliament, 570 sqq. Frederick II, the Great, 319 sqq., 322 sqq. Frederick William I, 319 sqq. Frederick William IV of Prussia, 570 sq. Free towns, German, 32, 34. French Academy, 271 sq. French Revolution, eve of, 360 •W-> 397 m-