Page:Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1904).djvu/16

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appeals with the larger force to our sympathies, which in fact reveals, through its frailties and idiosyncrasies, the kinship of genius with mediocrity and ineptitude, and indeed, enables us to understand more fully the incidence of genius.

By reason of the homely and personal touches which he is qualified to give, the experiences and knowledge gained of an individuality by a constant and observant companion reveal, when related, far more convincingly than any official life based upon correspondence or posthumous compilation could do, the character, the humanity of the subject. And hence, whatever value these Recollections may possess as such, their chief lies in the fact that they convey the personality, and describe the thoughts and actions of the great poet-painter as they appeared to one long privileged to enjoy familiar association with him, and who had consequently unique opportunities for gauging his weakness as well as his strength.

That they have also a certain illuminating value will, I think, be conceded. It is not difficult to imagine ourselves, as we read, silent but welcome guests at those brilliant gatherings which are so vividly described, to conjure up the dominating figures in Art and Poetry