Page:Red Rugs of Tarsus.djvu/75

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Baby's bathtub. Next I sent the bathtub to the Fellahin with orders to make a basket cov- ering for it, the same shape as the "tin dish" to protect it during a long journey we ex- pected soon to take. The weaver then had in his mind's eye just how tub and basket would be strapped on one side of a pack-saddle. For these people, a journey means going some- where on horseback. When we sail for Mar- seilles in June, I will put the tub into the bas- ket, pillows, didies and mattress into the tub, cover the whole with a Turkish cradle shawl we bought yesterday, and fasten it with a big strap. The cradle shawl is two yards square, made of coarse woolen material. If you please, it is dyed brilliant red and green, with alternating checks. How is that for something dainty for a baby ? In the middle of the shawl, about a yard apart, are round buttonholes. One is worked in green and the other red. A native mother would hitch these buttonholes to little pegs that stand up at either end of the [55]

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