Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/103

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Vain messages of empty sound, or fraught With mockery, tow'rds one who serves as thou, And to whom thou art giv'n to lead aright, Not to seduce to error's mazy paths. Leave not thy handmaid then in doubt austere, But, since I know not man, and ne'er will know, Tell me, I pray thee, how this thing can be/'

To this th' archangel, sweetly bland, replied : " Daughter of God and man, immortal Maid, Thou deemest well, not light thy servant's word, Not vain his message, nor with mock'ry fraught. Deep is its meaning, solemn its import, With truth and heavn'ly virtue rich imbued; And what I tell thee surely shall be done. Nor need'st thou fear lest it should be through man ; For know, thy vow is blest, accept of Heav'n, Who seals thee for himself, himself alone, A house more precious than the temple's gold, Which He, the true Beseleel, hath adorn'd, Enrich'd with purple, built with special grace ; And none a place so worthy doth afford, To perfect his omnipotent designs, As is the temple of thy virgin womb ; Fit sanctuary of the Holy Ghost, Receptacle prepared for God's own Son. Doubt not th' omniscience which finds means to work, Nor limit what he works to scope of man. Nor think the mystery excels his power, Nor thy humility beneath his care ; That, leave to him to perfect as he wills, This,, cherish as the grace endear'd to God. He, who the rod of Moses could convert,

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