Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/146

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As this one, faultless, thus discoursed her dream. Grief from her eyes pour'd down a copious flood, Heaved her full bosom, and convulsed her frame, Lest what she seern'd to see, might soon be done. Her arms around her Son she fondly clasp'd, Close press'd him to her heart as loath to part, Reclined her head upon his sacred breast, And sobbing, weeping, fainted in his arms. The Godman's eyes o'erflow'd with answ'ring woe, Responsive throbb'd his heart to her distress, Whom ever he beheld with ardent love. He to his bosom press'd the spotless Dove, And in soft accents answ'ring, sweetly said :

" Woman to me endear'd, above all loved, As thou above all others art redeem' d, Repress thy fears, and still this gush of grief. No serious ill can thee or me afflict. Save sin, no serious ill exists; what else Befalls, comes by permissive will of heav'n. Nor need the vision thou hast seen, disturb ; Whether from heav'n in mercy sent t' awarn, Or from some lower source, need not concern. Yet, fairest of Eve's daughters, worthy found, Sole worthy found to incarnate the Lord, Something here trace that timely needs to know; Not wholly now unknown, who oft hast heard Me converse of the work I came to do; That work, which leads me to frequent the haunts Of men, without regard to what may there befall. Should then, this premonition dimly trace Some mortal throw, by us to be endured, Doubt not the purpose hath such end in view,

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