Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/150

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O'ercome, where are the terrors of the tomb ?

And Joachim, and Anne, Joseph just,

What terrors met they in the vale of Death ?

Serene they lived, by faith, serenely died,

And pass'd rejoicing on their upward way,

My rod and staff secure supporting them.

Mary, that valley's depths thou too shalt try.

Dost thou fear Death ? Lift up the veil which shrouds

The glories it reserves for thee beyond

Those confines, that so darkling seem.

A couch of roses, borne on angel's wings,

With music, wafts thee to thy heav'nly throne.

View it, sapphire and gold, at God's right hand,

Near mine, which waits me till my work is done.

Meanwhile, though seeming absent, I am near,

Beside thee watching, to defend from harm.

Nor I alone ; the hosts of heaven encamp

Around, thy footsteps night and day attend,

About thee watch, when sleep o'erpowers thy sense,

Stand by thee when awake, nor cease to ward

Thee, when least conscious of their friendly aid.

Gabriel, thou know'st, and all his shining train,

Who strict have charge of thee to shield from harm.

Fear not then, when my Father's busi'ness calls ;

I, for a time may leave thee, but not long,

An' thou dost not refuse m' assent to go ;

Such honor to a parent owes the Son."

With ardor thus th' untainted Maid rejoin'd : " Naught I impede, nor more invoke thy stay ; Go, my beloved, sole begotten Son, Perfect the work thus given thee to do. I know the import now of Simeon's words,

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