Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/158

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Its sacred waters at the Baptist's hands.

Then, from their depths advancing to the shore,

Behold, the heav'ns disclosed, wide spread her gates,

And from her golden portals, as a dove,

The Holy Ghost descending, on him sat ;

Whilst rays of glory wide dispensed the place,

Direct from Fount of unapproached light,

And, loud as voice of many waters pour'd,

Or thunder rolling o'er the cloud coped sky,

A voice from the Invisible was heard.

Not as Elias herd on Horeb's top,

When fierce winds rove the mountains, piecemeal torn,

And crush'd the trembling rocks, whilst earthquakes

The solid ground, and fires their forces spent ; [moved

Nor as in still small voice of whistling air,

Which gently bade the prophet go his way.

Nor terrible, nor whisp'ring soft, as these,

But grand, sublime, and loud, loud, yet serene,

Befitting well the Gospel's clearer dawn,

To win, not terrify, who heard the words,

With which the Father thus attests the Son :

" Lo, this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased : by nature mine, Begotten by me e'er the worlds began ; True God of God; light of my light; begot, Not made, and consubstantial with me found, By whom all things that are, his work, subsist. Yet now, for your sakes, who thus hear my voice, For your salvation from the curse of sin, From heav'n comes down, incarnate, God made Man. For which cause I have so exalted him, And given him a name above all names,

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