Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/16

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And peace, embrace through thee; mercy and truth Ineffable, uniting, crown the whole."

Admiring, heaven's glad choirs heard; and hearing, Celestial joy enkindled every heart, Beam'd redolent in each cherubic face, Inflamed their love, and fill'd with infinite Delight. Prostrate on heav'n's crystal plains They bow; bow, and adore the Omnipotent enthroned; Their golden crowns they cast before his feet, Thrice holy him proclaim, first, last, and chief, The God Triune, who was, and is, and is To come; worthy all glory, honor, power, Majesty and dominion, to receive; In whom all things subsist, on whom depend, Eternal source of blessedness and joy. Prostrate, him thus adored the heav'nly choirs, Then ambient the throne, far as angelic Vision beams, a thousand times ten thousand Saints, thronging innumerable, arise. Their harps immortal, joyously they strike, Harps ever tuned to minstrelsy of sounds Concordant, sweet, and thus they loudly hymn'd : " Jehovah, Father, Sov'reign Lord, thee, we Extol, supremely bless'd, thee praise and sing, Just in thy ways, and merciful as just; Justice and mercy, shining attributes, Eternal as thyself, over thy works Hover, and rest on all who fear thy name, Who fear and love; fear to offend, and love To obey and serve; obedience easy, Service light, as they well know, who, springing From thine all creative pow'r, live but in thee;

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