Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/177

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Bound to her car, dependent on her smile, And abject led in her triumphal train A power by me erect, to me submiss, Where, whom I will, receives deific rank."

E'en as he spake there rose before the view, A scene triumphal, on the Camp of Mars, A motley crowd, midst military bands, Legions of foot, with brazen helmets topt, With dancing plumes, with shields thick boss'd,and spears, Swords, coats of mail like scales, more strong than hide Of hippogriff, leviathan, to turn The point of spear, or keen Damascus blade ; Here, turms of prancing steeds, champing their bits, Restive, with lordly knights, arm'd cap-a-pie ; There, chariots with smoking teams advance ; O'er all with banners waved, vexilla gay, With standards, high by hardy veterans borne 5 An endless train of foot and horse, with fruits Of conquest graced, and now in pride return'd, With hosts of conquer'd peoples led arrear, The captive kings of valiant Gaul, Egypt Voluptuous, Asia's effeminate hordes, Spain, Africa, whom courteous Juba led, At first the foe, after the pride of Rome. All these and more, too long to be narrate, March stately' along the great Triumphal way, To bray of tube, horn, trump, shrill clarion's voice, Through Camp Flaminius, by Triumphal gate, To where Rome's capital nods from its hill. (Enotria pours her people forth to see, From Magna Graecia to Cisalpine Gaul, Crotona famed, where Milo saw the light,

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