Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/180

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Empire vast, from Arctic t' Antarctic drawn, By oceans wash'd, with green isles studded o'er; Satan's estate, and undisturbed retreat ; Oft worshipp'd in the palace of the sun, In light'ning's fitful flash, in thunder's roar, In ocean's foam, and hurricane's fierce blasts, Where superstition deems him ruling pow'r. Thus made th' Imposter, with inflated words, Display; show'd all the kingdoms of the earth, Their glory, wealth, and power ; then turning tow'rds The Son of God, with impious tempting said :

"Thou see'st the mighty pow'r I here wield, The splendors of my empire, its extent; All kingdoms of the earth, their glory mine, Grandeur of cities, multitudes of tribes, Beauty of earth, the wealth of kings and lords; Rich palaces, great temples, gardens, groves, Whence hecatombs of off 'rings to me rise ; Arms and arm'd hosts, and trophies of their fame, Fleets of tall ships for merchandise or war, All to my service bent, and all disposed, To whom my choice inclines, if they my cause Subscribe, my service choose. Nor need'st thou fear By supple acrobats to be displaced ; For, none may hold them, but to whom I yield, None sway their pow'r, but as from me received, Nor longer than I so permit to rule. To Thee then, these I'll give, if, falling down, Thou wilt, on bended knee, me now adore, As god of this fair world, and prince of air."

So spake the first grand thief, Satan, Eden's Forbidden fruit, who stole, and thence earth's wealth

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