Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/183

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Thee, whirlwinds seize, and hurl thee 'fore thy time, To that dim prison, made for thee and thine."

So spake the Son of God with kindling ire, Nor needed second admonition give ; For, as some cloud, with niter charged and storms, O'erlours the sky, shading the vales below, Or, as when Hecla boils, her surging fumes Hang dark o'er land and sea, so Satan, black, Not less in size, nor umb'ring less the plains, On ebon wing took flight; took instant flight, Whilst fear his flying sped, his visage limn'd. Hell groan'd profound and trembled as he fled, Deep to her inmost depths shook, boil'd with rage, And, hopeless, gave her cause to blank despair. So, as when Phoebus, glory of the sky, Drives night's dull shades before his fulgent car, Did Christ the Devil's futile wiles unveil, His bold temptation with a word dispel ; And, as his beams illume the gather'd clouds, Turning their blackness into shining gold, So He converts, by splendors of his grace, Assault to victory's triumphant notes. The earth relieved, with exultation shouts, The heav'ns inclining, greet its rising day, And rapturous with halleluiahs ring ; Whilst legionary hosts of seraphs pour, In exultation from their crystal gates, The Saviour's victory to hail, and Him, With angels' food, ambrosial zest, sustain.



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