Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/186

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��The Messias, having fully entered upon his mission, calls the Twelve, and sends them forth to proclaim his Kingdom at hand. He signalizes the commencement of his mission, by changing water into wine at Cana. He thence departs, leaving Mary at Nazareth, and exhibits his divine power in the regions bordering on Tiberias. Attracted by his wonderful works, multitudes follow him; to whom he preaches a sermon on a mount; he afterwards miraculously feeds five thousand people in the desert. They, astonished, believe in him, and wish to make him King. He escapes from them, and, with the Twelve, enters into a ship; a storm arises, which he quells with a word. He arrives at Gadara, and heals many people, casts out devils, and does many wonderful works. The repentance and pardon of Mary Magdalen.

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