Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/190

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Then render twofold more the child of hell.

Extortioners, corrupt, faithless and proud,

Who strain out knats, and swallow camels whole,

Scruple small sins, and easy great commit.

Foolish and blind, in lustfulness abased,

Clean outside, like the cup and dish, within,

Of rapine full, and every impure thing;

Whited as sepulchers without, yet charged

As they with filth, with charnel horrors crown'd;

Though outwardly to men appearing just,

Full, inward, of hypocrisy and sin.

They build the prophets' tombs, yet prophets slay,

As they will you, both in their temples scourge,

And persecute, and crucify, and kill,

That on them every just man's blood may fall,

From Abel to the son of Barachias,

Between the temple and the altar slain."

So He the field, to whom he call'd, display' d, Much tare by Satan sown, and little wheat; Abundant sin, hypocrisy and guile, Till justice, mercy 'and truth, depulsed, withdrew Abash'd from men, up to their native skies. Yet fired with zeal, by Him who them had sent, Th' Apostles shrank not from their direful task, But peaceful went their way, lambs among wolves, His peace t' impart to all who worthy sought; To heal the sick, the kingdom nigh proclaim, And so with joy return'd, for in His name, Subject to them, e'en devils trembling fled.

Midway the glassy Chinneroth between, And middle sea, upon a fertile slope, Stood Cana; rural town, whose people bland,

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