Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/196

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Mellifluous, in heavily accents, thus, (Though strange his doctrine to their listening ear,) The Saviour taught, with power, not as the Scribes ; Then bade the earnest multitudes depart. But they, to silence awed, hang on his words, Forward incline, with eyes intent, and lips Dispart, as seeming still to hear him speak ; Gaze on the godlike Man, his features scan, His comely face, mild look, celestial air, Glow with his speech, nor doubt who he may be. Much had they heard, much seen, believing all, And loath to leave on whom their hopes depend; Who dries the weeping eye, who sins forgives, Who every fount of sorrow sweetly heals, And from immund, jaspadean makes clean. So they of Ninive' round the prophet drew, Close press'd his footsteps, and repenting heard ; And so Eliseus to the Thesbite clung, And begg'd the spirit that his master fill'd. His sacred feet again salute the plain, Whilst surging crowds still press upon his steps, This way or that, where e'er his purpose tends, To see his wonders and implore his grace; Servant or lord, no pref 'rence Jesus gives, Bnt show'rs his blessings free on all who come. 'Twas thus the leper sought his fav'ring aid; Next the centurion's servant felt his pow'r, And rose, restored to health, at Jesus word ; So to the ruler Go thy way, he says, Thy son is heal'd. Capharnaum beholds The paralytic cured, his sins forgiv'n. Fever, from Peter's house, his word dispells ;

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