Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/200

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Sway'd by the fragrant breeze, the billows heave, With easy motion rock the gliding craft, And part their snowy crests before its prow, As conscious of the precious freight they bore. Favonius now, on softest pinions borne, Fresh odors wafts, from off the neighboring shore ; Sweet hyacinth, wild thyme, and daffodil, Blended with lotos' sleep producing balm ; And through the cordage, soft eolian sings, Soothing the weary senses, whilst he fans The throbbing temples of the Man divine, And peaceful seals his drooping eyes in sleep.

Long had the Devil fit occasion sought, To wreck his malice on the Word made flesh, But found none, and much raged, to find himself Still foil'd, until at distance he thus saw The bark of Peter skim the azure plain. Swift on destroying bent, the prince of air, Aroused the demons of the howling storms, The brood of Orcus, and those sisters three, Who fret the elements, Eumenides, With vengeance armed, pestilence and war; And earth's nefareous brood, Abdeel, vexer Of God, Talmai, of Anak giant son, Whose atlantean back, from ocean's depths, Upheaves the waves, and rocks the solid ground. These now he bids concenter all their force, Upon the bosom of Tiberias' sea, With foamy winds, loud blust'ring, to oppress, And wreck their malice, on the slumb'ring crew. Nor dally they; but, swift as missile, shot From hollow tube, sharp cuts the shrieking air,

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