Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/209

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Which drew and sweetly bound each penitent,

Familiar to the Saviour's shelt'ring side.

Nor only deeds ; sweeter than e'er her songs

Arcadia discoursed, or minstrelsy,

Beside her babbling rills and grassy meads,

Symphoneous to her past'ral pipes, entoned,

His words, harmonious, clear, oracular,

With grace endow'd, divine morality,

Compassion soft, in melting cadence flow'd.

Such as the lips of Daphnis ne'er attain'd,

Who from Castalia's fount took copious draughts

Of eloquence and harmony divine.

Or than the royal Psalmist's harp more sweet,

Which breath'd, the livelong day, enchanting notes,

And vied with music of celestial spheres;

Or bless' d Isaias, who, in burning verse,

His voice prophetic lent, to celebrate

The holy One, who deigns my song t' inspire.


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