Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/233

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About, and straighten thee on every side ; Thee and thy little ones, and beat thee down, Nor leave one stone within thee not o'erthrown. The cup of thine iniquity is full, Press'd down, and running o'er; accomplish'd are The weeks: rejected is thine only Hope; Whom, yet a little while, and thou wilt slay. Woe, woe, Jerusalem. Men of Juda', weep. Behold, your desolation now begins ; Destroy' d, your city and its holy place Shall be, and o'er its smoldry ruins raised Th' abomination, which your sons abhor."

The Man of sorrows and with grief acquaint, With sighs and tears, thus dolorous deplores; Then, pensive, wends his way from Olivet, To Sion's favour'd hill, by Bethphage", Fain to escape the throngs, which round him press, And still with loud hosannas rend the air; His way with garments spread, thick strew with palms, Fresh flowers in garlands weave, and constant shout Hosanna to the Son of David, King ; Hosanna in the highest; thrice blessed He, who cometh in the name of the Lord,


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