Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/26

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Would have me put away ; death premature, Death easier far, death far less hard to bear."

So he, with gush of grief and tears renew'd ; And thus the angel tenderly replied :

"The ways of God are not as ways of men. They choose the proud, the great; but He, the poor; The lowly, contrite heals, the broken binds, The needy lifts, and throned princes midst His people makes; and, as the mighty man, Whose quiver gleams, replete with barbed darts, He bids the barren to rejoice, and laughs To scorn the vain devices of th' unjust. What they with all their pow'rs cannot effect, Is possible, and easy wrought with Him. Thou oft hast heard of Sarai, barren, who, Advanc'd in years, incredulous of heart, Believed not the angel's words, and yet Conceiv'd, and in old age brought forth a son, Th' elected father of a numerous race. Nor only she Rachel, the first beloved Of Israel, patient endured reproach, And late begat a son, favor'd of Heav'n, Saviour of peoples, type of Him to come ; So Manue's spouse, after long delay, The valiant Sampson bore; and Samuel, was He not the child of long time fruitless pray'rs? Neither should'st thou, Joachim, less despair, But bide the will of God ; wish as He wills, So best for thee ; rejoice at others' good ; Content, seek not too earnestly thine own ; Take thankfully what Heav'n bestows, the rest, Submissive, leave to His supernal power."

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