Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/264

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The words I speak are spirit, and true life. And lo, the mystery is now explain' d Blessing this bread, I break; take it, and eat; This is my body, which is giv'n for you. This for commemoration do of me. So of this chalice now I give to you This, the new testament is in my blood, Which shall be shed for you; take it, and drink. For of this fruit I now no more will taste, Until I drink it new with you in heav'n."

Touch'd by the pathos of his sacred words, The chosen bow, as from his hand, they take That soul-sustaining food, and Him adore. Wonder and awe, in silence hold them bound, Till sadness opes the floodgates of their souls; Sadness, with love infused, free torrents pours, And copious bathes the hand which them so bless'd. Meanwhile, the Saviour tenderly pursued :

" Err not, in what I say. Not all shall live, Who of my flesh, or of my blood, partake. For, who unworthy eats, or who thus drinks, Shall guilty be both of the body' and blood; And eats and drinks damnation to his soul, Discerning not the body of the Lord. You, have I chosen from the world; all whom I know ; and, one of you a devil hath. To you 'twas said The Son of Man will be Betray'd. And now, behold ! the hand of him, Who doth betray, is with me on the board."

Conscious of guilt, the trait'rous coward quails; But each the rest each innocent believes, And shrinks aghast with horror, as o'erpow'r'd.

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