Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/268

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To whom I have been sent. To them have I Reveal'd thy name, and still will make it known, That they thy love may feel ; the love wherewith Thou hast loved me may feel, and full possess; As mine in them, and thine in me, abides."

Softer than zephyr's breath his pray'r arose, More pleasing than eolian harp to hear, Or Israel's minstrelsy when sweetest tuned. Swift through th' ethereal sky it wing'd its way, Transpierced the golden gates, reach'd Mercy's ear, Nor yet had ceased, when answ'ring grace return'd ; Whilst awe profound held his disciples mute, Immoveably transfix'd, and bathed in tears, Silent, but irrepressible. No sound Disturbed the solemn impress made, nor broke The pause, which his petition closed, till he Himself Arise, said, let us now go hence.


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