Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/270

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��God witnesses from on high the course of events, leading to the betrayal of his divine Son. He summons the angels around his throne, vindicates his justice, shows the guiltiness of man, and bids them patiently abide the result of the contest, about to transpire between earth and hell, and Christ. The agony and bloody sweat, in the garden of Gethtemani; during which, Satan renews his attempt to subdue the suffering Godman. He prays; and God sends the archangel Michael to strengthen him. Judas approaches, with a band of soldiers, and betrays him with a kiss. They bind and lead him to Caiphas. He is condemned, and sent to Pilate. The remorse of Judas; he returns the price of blood, and goes out and hangs himself. The angel Areli is sent to warn Pilate, through his wife Claudia, to have nothing to do with the just Man. Notwithstanding which, Pilate scourges him, and delivers him to the Jews to be crucified, proclaiming at the same time the entire innocence of his Victim.

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