Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/275

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His name blaspheme, and mine ; both him and me,

Reject; him seek to slay; and so will slay,

Calling his blood in vengeance on their heads.

What shall prevent ? Shall I ? That were to strike

Their free will nihilate, and abject slaves

Make, in the stead of sons. No, free I made

Them ; free to will and do ; free to refuse ;

With the known penalty, should they transgress.

The good they know, with liberty to choose ;

The ill before them, still as free to do,

And none to justly censure but themselves.

Stand then, ye Just, aboon this contest view;

Earth and the pow'rs of hell, against the Christ.

Weak is their strength, and brief their conquest won,

If won when, he who seems so abject now,

His face so marr'd, and stain'd with his own gore,

Stricken with grief, in agony of prayer,

Shall rise in splendor and o'erride his foes ;

Captivity lead captive, and his gifts,

To men of good will, strong in faith, impart;

All things beneath his feet, at length subject,

And I with him supreme, be all in all."

So spake the Father, just in all his ways, And love's redeeming mysteries evolved, Now wrought to rescue man from guilt of sin. Him heard the heav'nly choirs, that round his throne, Thicker than stars conglobed, reflect his beams ; Heard, and to him gave praise, thanks, honor due, With right to do, as he to his deems just. Not loud, sonorous, clear, with lively joy, As wont, they now the Father's praise entone ; Nor yet with sound of trumpet, psaltry, harp,


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