Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/290

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��Jesus, having been condemned to death, is crowned with thorns, mocked, scourged, and led forth, bearing his cross, to be crucified. The virgin Mother follows amidst the throngs which attend him ; pierced with poignant grief, she prays the Father to avert the death of her divine Son. She is surrounded by holy women and the beloved disciple, who share her grief, and weep the fate of their persecuted Lord. He regards them with a look of compassion, but bids them weep for themselves and their children. He is nailed to the cross and mocked with railing accusations. Satan, seeing his death about to be consummated, hastens exultingly to hell, and relates to the demons his renewed success. Whilst he is yet speaking, the Son of God, having expired on the cross, descends in their midst, and gloriously triumphs over them. Having conquered the powers of darkness, he repairs to Limbus Patrum, releases the spirits there detained, and thence returns, with them in his train, to earth.

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