Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/305

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Unnumber'd seraphs, potentates, and powers, With chariots innumerable arm'd ; Harnass'd with heav'nly steeds, whose necks as steel, With joints of brass made firm, in graceful curves, High toss'd their foamy manes, o'ertopp'd with fire ; Smoke from their nostrils blew and bick'ring flames, Their eyes shot light' ning, till beneath their feet, Prancing, shook terrible the quiv'ring air. Hell, troubled at his coming, inly groan'd, Wide oped her horrid gates with clanging sound, Reluctant, and the Conqu'ror enter'd in. Th' afflicted powers his ensign saw from far, In crucial form, blazing the lurid sky; Saw it and knew, of old in heaven seen, Though not its import then made clearly known, But now, though abject deem'd on earth, exalt On high, in ample glory decks the van Of every war, on earth's behalf conduct; And now the most, so recent drench'd in blood, The Victor copious, not unwilling, shed, Fitly before th' astonish'd legions blazed, And o'er their prostrate files, hurled dismay, Anguish and dread ; whilst from his chariot, fierce On every side, and from his red right hand, Dire thunderbolts he shot, with plagues infix' d, That all their ardor damp'd, paled them with fear, And urged headlong down to depths profound, Hell's nethermost of woe, with heat evolved, And pangs unfelt, unthought, unknown before. Full on the cow'ring head of Satan, thick And fast, his volley'd thunder heaviest flew ; As patt'ring hail upon some field of wheat,

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