Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/310

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Where senses, long adust, were parch'd with thirst,

By hunger gnaw'd, whilst woe and woeful want,

But hourly mock'd them, with such semblance vain.

For, more than Egypt feign' d, or fabled Greece,

Burn'd real here, and fired delusive hopes,

Until the Sun of Righteousness arose,

With healing in his wings, and o'er their dreary plains,

Shed vivifying light and vernal bloom.

But teeming rills, nor verdure, fruits, nor flowers,

Nor voice of warbling birds, nor lute, nor harp,

Nor angels' minstrelsy, inspired such joy,

Or so to rapture woke their wearied souls,

As the glad music of the Victor's voice,

Preaching redemption wrought, salvation won,

With pardon to the captives now set free.

They, all the Gospel hear, its plan receive,

And wond'ring at redeeming love, adore;

Immanuel, victor hail, King, Saviour, Lord,

Worthy sole Son to be forever crown'd,

And worthy honor, empire to receive.

Frequent his train, the Lord's redeemed throng,

And follow whither led, to happier fields,

Where Abra'm, father of the faithful, reign'd,

And prophets, priests, kings, saved of every tribe,

From beatific vision yet withheld,

Await the coming of th' anointed King.

Not unapprised ; his ensign they descry,

When far the radiant cross illumed the air.

Numbers unnumber'd of the chosen seed,

As stars, or sands of ocean, multiplied,

In full completion of the promise made,

Throng far and wide those blest Elysian fields;

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