Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/360

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Thrice hail ! Redeemer, Prince, almighty God.

Be thou exalted, Lord, for matchless power;

Great in thy glory, in salvation bless' d,

And merciful as just, in all thy works.

Thy saints extol thee, magnify and praise,

Exalt thy mercies, thy redemption sing.

They ask'd for life ; thou gav'st them length of years,

E'en everlasting life, and ceaseless joys ;

Prevented them with blessings, crown'd with gifts,

With fadeless beauty deck'd, immortal youth.

Praise him ye angels, praise him heavenly hosts,

Praise him ye saints redeem'd, praise in the highest;

Make way for him ascending on the West,

Whose name is Jesus, God with us, Anoint.

Lift up your gates, ye princes, raise your heads;

Be open'd wide, ye everlasting doors,

And let the King of Glory enter in.

Who is the King of Glory, who ? The Lord

Of boundless power possess'd, the King of saints,

Who earth to Eden's primal bliss restores,

Subdues th' Oppressor, who its beauty marr'd,

And saves who languish from his lethal sting.

Lift up your heads, ye princes ; open wide

And be ye lifted up, eternal gates,

To let the King of Glory enter in.

Who is the King of Glory, who ? The King

Of angels, Lord of hosts, the Wonderful,

The mighty God, Jehovah's only Son.

He is the King of Glory; he, who quell'd

The rebel angels' raid, o'ercame their hosts, [dross.

Their mightiest crush'd, and purged the heav'ns from

This is the King of Glory, worthy praise,

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