Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/365

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Long time reserved for triumph of this hour. But newer means, new acts of grace demand, And rites befitting Gospel's clearer day. Lame, lippid, blind, by grov'ling passions moved, Man's devious feet, must still be led astray, Unless the Spirit's inchoative fire Infuse the mass, dead nature vivify, And, ever present, quicken good desires. Him, I have promised ; they his coming wait, And all the gifts which from his coming flow. Proceeding from thee, Father, and thy Son, Equal with us, and co-eternal, God, Here let the Holy Ghost replete descend, Move o'er the turbid sea of human life, As o'er the void, ere heaven and earth were made, Illume its darkness, mold its shapeless aims, Infuse new life, and temples build to thee ; To thee, to me, for our indwelling fit, In which, his sevenfold gifts enshrined, Shall fruits produce of love, joy, peace and faith, Worthy the Three, who witness in the heav'ns, And equal aid, Co-workers, our co-heirs. So shall the work begun, complete endure, Till more be rescued from the wrath to come, Than favour'd Israel e'er knew; so hell Be balk'd, Death ravish' d of his prey, and tribes, Tongues, peoples, age to age unite, to praise Thee, Father, praise thy Son, and praise the Holy Ghost." The filial Godhead thus ; the Sire replies : " Thy words, Son, are heaven's eternal laws ; All worlds thy influence share, and chiefly earth, To which in giving thee, I all resign'd,

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