Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/54

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Rock'd to her center, heaves the lofty dome,

Disturbs the people, fills with dread alarms,

And, to her utmost confines, shakes the state.

So, fierce th' infernal pow'rs their cause maintain'd,

Contention by contention more inflamed,

Till each 'gainst th' other wielded hellish arms,

And feats achieved, whereof hell's annals ring.

Abaddon, king of lowest hell, and chief

Of the Apocalyptic locusts, led

The dire turmoil, determined, if he could,

Earth to destroy, and in the deadly feud

Involve all entity entire ; fit name,

Destroyer, destruction ever his sole aim ;

Apollyon with the Greeks, Exterminans

At Rome ; varied, but still the same, contrast

Of sound, consent of sense. Milcom was not

Behind in wrath ; but, fiercer from repulse,

The more urged on the growing contest, wild

Inflamed. With him, Titanus join'd, and all

His giant crew, Mimas, Enceladus,

Briareus, Porphyrion, and Cott;

And many more, pretended to derive

From Japhet, in Gomer's line ; far other,

Devils all, whose ruinous wars confounded

Ev'n hell, where now from penal fires aroused,

They meditate new issue with the just.

Next Lucifer, who, drunk with former pow'r,

As high in state uplifted, so low fall'n,

Still hoped his pristine glory to regain,

Added his fury to the glowing fire.

To these give Nesroch, who at Ninive' sat,

And Azazel, next infamous of note,

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