Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/56

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While they of Geth and Azotus, their god

Abash'd, disown'd, and sent the ark away;

Still a third time, before the valiant son

Of Manue, the monster fell, and 'neath

His temple crush'd, received a deadly blow.

Then in the fierce melee 1 Remmon advanced,

Who fix'd his chief seat at Demesk; a seat

Richly adorn 'd with gold and precious stones,

'Midst variegated fields and scented air;

First of terrestrial paradises deem'd,

Yet soon by his polluting orgies stain'd,

And than the Syrian leper made more foul,

Whom Pharphar, nor Abana, flowing streams,

Could heal. These, and unnumber'd chiefs, lesser

Of note, the tumult urged on; Chiron,

A monster vast, of twofold form ; Achar,

Asmodeus, Chiun, Javan and Aon,

Who former high in rank celestial stood,

Now grown abased, and deem'd enough their pangs,

Sad plight, and unrevocable despair.

Hotly the warfare raged; each th' other urged

T' increase the growing strife, the tumult swell, r

Till all the Stygian powers, th' encounter join'd,

And blaring Discord, vi'lent, reign'd supreme.

As Auster when with Boreas he contends,

Or Africus against Aquilo flies.

And Caurus with Auronotus conflicts,

Lash'd into foam, the surging ocean roars,

Wave urges wave and frets the angry shore;

The sea the land involves, the forests groan,

Uprooted oaks against each other toss;

Then quakes the ground, the mountains heave, till earth,

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