Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/58

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Forbidden ate, and thus became as gods,

Knowing both good and ev'l, a fame went forth

That from his loins should spring of woman's seed,

One, who should crush our head. That promised Seed

Hath come. This second Eve is born, mature,

From whom more perfect Adam shall arise,

Destined to conquer hell, and all hell's powers,

Chain'd to his triumphal car, lead captive.

Nor hath she come alone; all heav'n hath pour'd

Its legions forth, to follow in her train;

And even now they celebrate with song,

This trophy of supernal grace, whilst ye

Sit here dehiscent, recreant to your oath,

And fail t' assert your cause. Easy the task,

If ye at once begin ; laborious,

Perhaps impossible, if through delay,

This new, upstart race, by multiplying,

Fresh forces add to our eternal foes.

Eve facile fell, and Adam, and in them

The human race; so Noe and his son,

The father of the second world. Why not

This second Eve? and with her this new Man,

Promised from her to rise? In past success

The fitliest moment learn when to assail,

And our high dition with one blow secure.

Should we succeed, and none I trow be here,

Who doubts, then all is o'er; the human race

Is ours, and heav'n itself must soon succumb.

Nor have ye need thus fatuously to strive,

What part in this great war, each shall enact.

I, with hell's cohorts, all who war acclaim,

Will this new Eden re-assail, with hope,

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