Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/96

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Arose acceptable through heav'n's glad vault. When, to the Father, smiling, thus the Son :

"Father, it is enough; what further ask? In every trial, victrix, she prevails; O'er our immitigable foe, prevails, And fills the measure of thy just demand A perfect Mother, fit for perfect Son ; Flesh, that the Deity may well incarn, Purer than heav'n, exempt from every stain. Lo ! I descend to clothe me with her flesh, To do thy will, redemption's plan perfect, And pay the penalty of forfeit life."

Inclining tow'rds the Son with answ'ring smile, The Father acquiesced, and gave the sign, Which bade the guardian seraph, with his host, Resume his charge, and hail their favor'd Queen. Swift as the mandate thus to him convey'd, Gabriel earthward speeds his arrowy way, Fraught with such message as before from heav'n To aught created, ne'er had been vouchsafed. The sun's glad beams smile in the west, And evening's shades in lengthen'd stature fall, As onward fly the messengers of light, Winged with love, impatient to announce The joyful tidings, Grace imparts to man. Their hosts were panoplied for peace or war; The peaceful sons of men, with peace to crown, With dition arm'd, th' infernal pow'rs to quell, And shield the faithful Virgin from their snares. Cadent, in myriads, they fall, as when The heav'ns rain stars, and ether's blue Glows with the show'ry worlds, in silver dipp'd,

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