Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/99

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Released, cast off their radiant arms; high on

The trees hang up the'ir glitt'ring helms, bucklers,

And flaming swords, two edg'd, and pointed spears,

With gold and precious gems inlaid, and pearl,

Of heav'nly temper, curious design,

Rich in Jehovah's armory enwrought;

And thus, at ease, with jocund mirth disport,

Whiling the hours in hymns, celestial song

And dance, or, in heroic verse, relate

Annals of heav'n, with praises interspersed ;

Praises to Him, through whom, and for whom, they,

And in whom, all intelligences, live.

Some skim the air, some gently press the ground,

With impulse softer than Favonius' wing,

When most disportive trips he cross the plains.

Where e'er they tread, or radiant glance an eye,

A flow'ret springs, with odors sweet effused,

And fields of roses, vi'lets, daisies, glow,

Or umber'd foliage decks the barren soil,

So late adusted by the lumb'ring fiends.

Nor less the dew-drops, on each leaf impearl'd,

As irridescent shone the liquid gems,

Smiling, reflected each an angel's form.

The feather'd tribe resume their wonted lays,

Each insect, fearless, chirps its humble song,

And Nature buxom hails the gen'ral joy.

The shades of evening peaceful fell around The Virgin's rural bow'r ; zephyrs perfumed, Her wavy tresses toss'd, and fann'd her brow, As she, in heav'nly contemplation, knelt And breath'd her pray'r in the all-hearing ear. The ling'ring rays of last departing day,


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