Page:Reflections on the Formation and the Distribution of Riches by Anne Turgot.djvu/12

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He drew up, however, a large number of Mémoires on various economic topics, some of them addressed to his official superiors apropos of his government of Limoges: his measures of reform while Intendant were all explained and justified by him in circular letters and other papers addressed to the public: and the edicts of his ministry were preceded by elaborate expositions of the principles involved. All these, together with his Éloge de Gournay, written in 1759, were published, under the editorship of Du Pont de Nemours, in the Œuvres de Turgot, in 9 vols., 1809-1811; and reprinted with additions in the 2-volume edition of his Œuvres, edited by Daire and Dussard, in 1844, for the Guillaumin Collection des Principaux Economistes. The volume entitled Turgot: Administration et Œuvres Économiques, edited by M. Robineau, 1889, in the Petite Bibliothèque Économique, contains the Réflexions, the Éloge, the Édit de Suppression des Corvées, and the Édit de Suppression des Jurandes. In Mr. W. Walker Stephens' Life and Writings of Turgot, 1895, will be found a translation of the Éloge, and of a good many miscellaneous extracts from Turgot's writings.

The main source for the biography of Turgot is Du Pont de Nemours, Mémoires sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. Turgot, 1782. The Vie de Turgot, by his friend Condorcet, 1786, (translated into English 1787), gives some additional particulars. Of writings concerning Turgot a list will be found in Dr. Lippert's article in the Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, vol. vi. Among the most notable of these, from the eminence of the writers, are the articles of M. Léonce de Lavergne in Les Économistes Français du dix-huitième siècle, 1870, and of Mr. John Morley in Critical Miscellanies 1877, and the brief life by M. Léon Say, 1887, translated into English by Mr. Gustave Masson, 1888.