Page:Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat.djvu/227

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Various Engines in which the Temperature of the Boiler is 121° C.[1] and that of the Condenser 30° C.

Theoretical Duty for each Unit of Heat transmitted, 371 foot-pounds.

Cases. Work produced for each lb. of coal consumed. Work produced for each lb. of water evaporated. Work produced for each unit of heat transmitted. Percentage of theoretical duty.
Ft.-lbs. Ft.-lbs. Ft.-lbs.
(3) French engines, according to contract ........         98,427 160.3 43.2
(4) English engines, according to contract 565,700 × 80,814 130.8 35  
(6) Common engines, consuming 12 lbs. of coal per horse-power per hour 165,000 × 23,571  38.1 10.3
(7) Improved engines with expansion cylinders, consuming an equivalent to 4 lbs. best coal per horse-power per hour 495,000 × 70,710 114.4 30.7
  1. Pressure 15 lbs. on the square inch.