Page:Religious Thought in Holland during the Nineteenth Century James Hutton Mackay.djvu/12

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Revelation—Bible and Word of God—Testimonium Spiritus Sancti—2. “God’s Absolute Sovereignty and especially His Free Grace in Jesus Christ”—Viewed Historically and defended—Contemporary Criticism.
Chantepie de la Saussaye’s School an Offshoot from the Réveil—The Society and Journal Ernst en Vrede—La Saussaye influenced by Vinet and Schleiermacher—His Views on the Church—The Ethical Principle and Controversies with the Confessionalists—Theology describes the Life of the Church —The Ethical Calvin to be unbound from the Scholastic



Brief Reign of Modernism in Holland in its Earlier Phase—Influenced by Opzoomer’s Empiricism, Scholten’s Monism, and Biblical Criticism—An Attempt to combine a Naturalistic View of Life and of the World with the Teaching of Jesus—Alard Pierson its most Brilliant Representative—Rigting en Leven—Pierson leaves the Church—Een Levensbeschouwing—Final Phase Æsthetic Agnosticism—Aim of the Modernists as an Ecclesiastical Party—Their Theological Work—Tiele and the Science of Comparative Religion—Kuenen and Old Testament Criticism—These Sciences as represented at the end of the Century by Professors Chantepie de la Saussaye and Valeton


Varieties of Ethical Theology and Calvinism Revived

New Testament Criticism after the Middle of the Century—Scholten on the Fourth Gospel—Loman’s Hypothesis—Loman and the Reorganisation of the Theological Faculties —Controversy between the Intellectualist and the Ethical Schools—Scholten’s Determinism criticised by La Saussaye and Hoekstra—Ethical Idealism and a Moral World-order; De Bussy and Rouwenhoff—Ethical Idealism as represented by Bruining and Van Hamel—The “Orthodox” Ethical School—Dr Kuyper as Ecclesiastic and Theologian