Page:Religious Thought in Holland during the Nineteenth Century James Hutton Mackay.djvu/24

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AND THE Riizvsn. ,3

the Dutch have been dealing with it. While we shall have to notice in our historical survey me principal contributions made by -[.)utch scholars to the sciences of biblical critimsm, comparative religion, and the Psychology and philosophy of religion, our main interest will be centred on the question of Church and Doctrine as affected by these results.

When I went to reside in Holland, on my return from India ten years ago. I confess I knew very little about the subject I have undertaken to give some account of. The translated works of Kuenen and Tiele, men of world-wide reputation. I had read with interest. Scholten, when I took him up in Holland, seemed somehow to be not unfamiliar, but Dr Kuyper was little more than a name, and I had never even heard of the Do/eantz'e. In my first walks among the picturesque 'Vmages of Walchcrcn, I noticed with special litterest the old churches, plastered thickly Within and without, but still retaining their Pfe~Reformation core. On some conspicuous Place Outside the church, in bright-coloured

'5: the useful but somewhat suggestive