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Remarks by President Trump on the National Security and Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border | The White House

THE PRESIDENT: Let me tell you, you have stats that are far worse than the ones that I use. But I use many stats, but I also use Homeland Security.

All right, next question.

Q And do you — wait a minute. Just a quick follow-up.

THE PRESIDENT: Go ahead. No. Go. Please.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. I just want to bring you back to China for a second. The White House put out a statement today talking about the March 1st deadline. The other day, though, you gave the possibility that maybe this could slide. Are you eyeing a possible extension — 30 days, maybe 60 days? What is the status there? Or is March 1st the deadline?

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah. Very good question. So it’s a very big deal. I guess you could say it’s like — must be the biggest deal ever made, if you think. Trade with China, how big does that get? Although if you look, the USCMA is right up there. But it’s very complicated. There are many, many points that we’re bringing up that nobody ever brought up or thought to bring up, but they’re very important, because we were on the wrong side of every one of them.

There is a possibility that I will extend the date. And if I do that, if I see that we’re close to a deal or the deal is going in the right direction, I would do that at the same tariffs that we’re charging now. I would not increase the tariffs.

Q Let me also ask you about the debt, sir, because it’s gone from a shade under $20 trillion from when you took office. Now it’s a shade over $22 trillion and heading in the wrong direction. What are your plans to reverse it?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, it’s all about growth. But before I —

Q (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT: — really focus on that — and you have to remember, President Obama put on more debt on this country than every President in the history of our country combined. So when I took over, we had one man that put on more debt than every other President combined. Combine