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Remarks by President Trump on the National Security and Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border | The White House

We’ve been actually working with Mexico much better than ever before. I want to thank the President. I want to thank Mexico. They have their own problems. They have the largest number of murders that they’ve ever had in their history — almost 40,000 murders. Forty thousand. And they got to straighten that out, and I think they will.

But I just want to thank the President, because he’s been helping us with these monstrous caravans that have been coming up. We had one that it was up to over 15,000 people. It’s largely broken up. Others have gotten through. And, in Tijuana, you have a lot of people staying there. If we didn’t have the wall up, and if we didn’t have the wall secured and strengthened, they would have walked right through; they’d be welcomed to the United States.

One of the things we’d save tremendous — just a tremendous amount on would be sending the military. If we had a wall, we don’t need the military because we’d have a wall.

So I’m going to be signing a national emergency. And it’s been signed many times before. It’s been signed by other Presidents from 1977 or so. It gave the Presidents the power.

There’s rarely been a problem. They sign it; nobody cares. I guess they weren’t very exciting. But nobody cares. They sign it for far less important things, in some cases, in many cases. We’re talking about an invasion of our country with drugs, with human traffickers, with all types of criminals and gangs.

We have some of the greatest people I know. They’ve been with me from the beginning of my campaign — almost from the first week. The Angel Moms. Unfortunately, we have new Angel Moms. One incredible woman just showed me her daughter who — we’re talking about killed, in the year of ’18. I said, “I haven’t seen you before.” She said, “No, I’m new.” I said, “That’s too bad.” It’s too bad. It’s so sad.

Stand up, just for a second. Show how beautiful your girl was. Thank you.

I have such respect for these people. Angel Moms, Angel Dads, Angel Families. I have great respect for these people. These are great people. These are great people. They’re fighting for their children that have been killed by people that were illegally in this country.