Page:Remarks by President Trump on the National Security and Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border.djvu/7

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Remarks by President Trump on the National Security and Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border | The White House

We're going to make billions of dollars with this trade deal. It's going to be great for our country and great for China, I hope. Their market is down close to 40 percent. Our market is way up. We've picked up, since my election, trillions of dollars of worth. Trillions. Many trillions. And China has lost trillions of dollars. But I want it to be good for China and I want it to be good for the United States. So we'll see what happens.

China is coming here next week, by the way. They're coming home, the traders. And then China is coming here next week. And then I'll be meeting with President Xi at some point after that to maybe — for some remaining deals. We'll make them directly, one-one-one, ourselves.

So, we're going to be signing today, and registering, national emergency. And it's a great thing to do because we have an invasion of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion of people, and it's unacceptable.

And by signing the national emergency — something signed many times by other Presidents — many, many times. President Obama — in fact, we may be using one of the national emergencies that he signed, having to do with cartels. Criminal cartels. It's a very good emergency that he signed. And we're going to use parts of it in our dealings on cartels. SO that would be a second national emergency. But in that case, it's already in place.

And what we want — really want to do — is simple. It's not like it's complicated. It's very simple: We want to stop drugs from coming into our country. We want to stop criminals and gangs from coming into our country. We want to stop criminals and gangs from coming into our country. Nobody has done the job we've ever done. I mean, nobody has done the job that we've done on the border.

And in a way, what I did by creating such a great economy — and if the opposing party got in, this economy would be down the tubes. You know, I hear a lot of people say, "Oh, well. But maybe the previous administration..." Let me tell you, the previous administration, it was heading south, and it was going fast. We would have been down the tubes. The regulations were strangling our country. Unnecessary regulations.

By creating such a strong economy — you just look at your televisions or see what's going on today; it's through the roof. What happens is more people want to come, so we have far more people trying to get into our country than probably we've ever had before. And we've done an incredible job in stopping them, but it's a massive number of people.