Page:Remarks on a Tour to North and South Wales In the Year 1797.djvu/27

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they had given him,) this lady, named Godiva, importuned him to remit the penalty. She, however, could not prevail on him, unless she would consent to ride naked through the streets. To this she did consent; and after having ordered all the doors and windows to be shut, actually went on horseback through the city with her loose hair hanging down, which entirely covered her. The story of Peeping Tom is well known: His effigy is now to be seen, next door to the King's-head inn: said to be the very house, from whence he attempted to gratify his curiosity. There is a fair here on the Friday after Trinity Sunday; when the figure of a naked woman on horseback is carried through the streets. The cathedral has to boast of a most beautiful Gothic spire: the carved mouldings are much mutilated; which seems to have been in consequence of the material not possessing such power ofresistance