Page:Remarks on a Tour to North and South Wales In the Year 1797.djvu/29

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it was visited by the plague; the infection was circulated from a box of clothes brought by the carrier to the White Hart Inn. It is computed to contain eighty thousand inhabitants, and thirteen thousand houses, and is, perhaps, the greatest manufactory for hard ware in the universe. There is a very elegant theatre here, with coffee-room, and every convenience. Soho, the celebrated manufactory of Messrs. Boulton, is particularly recommendable to the attention of the Ladies. At about two miles beyond Birmingham, the country puts on a very different aspect to that which has been previously passed through--- innumerable forges, kilns, and steam engines, (from whence issue vast columns of smoke, rolling in dark masses) obstruct the prospect in every direction. By going a very little way out of the usual direct road, we passed through Dudley, ten miles from Birmingham. The venerable remnant of the Castle at this
