Page:Remarks on a Tour to North and South Wales In the Year 1797.djvu/33

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of the manufactories at this place, must appropriate some days to that purpose; they most assuredly will find themselves amply repaid. Our general pursuit, however, was nature, not art; and we here found so many beauties demanding our attention, that we knew not where to select:—as an epicure, who viewing a service of dainties, suffers the whole to be removed before his choice determines: so were we situated.— We literally wandered in search of the ne plus ultra, till the evening's hasty approach had nearly prevented our making even a slight sketch. The Tontine inn is a very accommodating mansion. The road from this place to Hay-gate (returning into the direct road) is steep, and on the edge of a tremendous precipice for about a mile; though it is not called a turnpike-road, it is not untolled. The face of the country is here in parts an entire blaze of red fire; the heat in passing these Ætnas inminia-