Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/14

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this power is a still more dangerous course. The designs of the majority may thus be impeded, or thwarted by the subsequent interference of a single person.

All other branches of the public revenue are defended by the station and character of the persons, under whose care they are placed. The Legislature and the Government have wisely considered it important (with a view to economy) to purchase talents, and station, as a protection for every branch of the public expenditure; but in the case of the Roads they have miscalculated the power and effect of the controling and directing authority. A proper comparison has not been made of the duties, or of the effect of the exertions of a body composed of unpaid and unresponsible individuals, like the road Commissioners, and those of bodies composed of Boards of Commissioners, in the pay, and responsible to the Government for the due administration of the trust reposed in them: having also proper officers equally responsible as themselves to act under their directions.