Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/147

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much; I think the revenue has been increased by the increase of travelling, and particularly stage-coaches.

Has not it been the practice to augment the tolls considerably in all recent turnpike acts?—In the three sessions of parliament preceding the present, I think, there were about ninety petitions to parliament for a renewal of acts, and an increase of their tolls, because they were in a state that they could not pay their debts without the assistance of parliament.

Does not the great expense attending the renewal of acts of parliament, contribute very much to restrain a proper improvement of the roads in the kingdom?—The expense of renewing so many acts of parliament, as is occasioned by the great division of trusts in the country, certainly absorbs a very great sum of the road revenue of the kingdom; because those acts are every one of them renewed every twenty-one years, and frequently circumstances oblige the trustees to come oftener to parliament.

Do you happen to know whether there have been any steps taken by the Post-office, with a view to forming some general arrangement with regard to the roads?—I am not acquainted with any. I have had repeated conversations with lord Chichester, the postmaster-general, and he has asked for all the information I could give his lordship; and, of course, I have given the information pretty much in the manner I have had the honour to do to this Committee; and, I believe, his lordship is satisfied, that the consolidation of trusts would be very useful: and he has used his influence in the county of Sussex to have nine trusts consolidated, for the express purpose of mutual assistance in providing a general surveyor.

Do you know the result?—I gave the result, and a copy of the resolutions of the county, at the last meeting.

Do you know the result as to the expenditure?—Yes, it goes to that as well as to the amendment of the roads.

Supposing any insuperable difficulty to exist in placing the management of the roads of the kingdom under a board of ma-