Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/156

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Bristol Turnpikes.

At a Meeting of the Trustees for the care of the several roads round the city of Bristol, holden on 7th December 1818, at the Guildhall in Bristol.

Thomas Daniel, Esq. in the Chair.

It appearing that under the triennial appointment of Mr. M'Adam, his office of general surveyor will cease on the 16th day of January next;—

Ordered unanimously, That he be again appointed to that office for a further term of three years, at the same salary.

Resolved unanimously, That the thanks of this meeting be given to Mr. M'Adam for the zeal and ability with which he has executed the very arduous duties of his office, from which it appears to this meeting that the most important advantages have resulted to the roads under his care.

8th March 1819.

The foregoing is a true copy from the book of proceedings of the trustees of the Bristol turnpike roads.

Osborne & Ward, Clerks.

Does any part of that saving which is stated to have taken place on those roads, arise from an increase of revenue?—There has been a small increase of revenue, but whether arising from tolls or a better collection of the statute labour, I cannot take upon me to say; but that increase of revenue must be deducted from the saving of 2,700l., which appears in the treasurer's hands.