Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/164

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that the sum of 75l. 6s. 1d. is due to Mr. M'Adam, by the,
trust, say £.75 6 1

But as no allowance has been made to the
surveyor for his management, and as that management
has given great satisfaction to the
trustees, it was resolved to give the surveyor,
to cover all charges, and for his trouble, it
being distinctly understood for this year only,
the sum of one hundred and fifty guineas 157 10 —
                                                   £.232 16 1

Which sum of 232l. 16s. 1d. the treasurer will be pleased to pay to Mr. M'Adam.

(Signed) T.Reid,
         Edward Archbold,
         John Webb,
         Thomas Calverley,
         Thomas Halliday,
         William Dowdeswell,
         J. M. Cripps,"

With permission of the Committeee I will relate what I stated to the trustees, upon those resolutions being read to me; that I considered that sum as extremely liberal, and quite sufficient for one small trust to give a general surveyor, and were Epsom one trust in a district, such a sum would be quite sufficient for their proportion of the salary of a general surveyor; but standing alone, and divided from all other trusts of which I had the management, and separated also by the London roads, the necessity of my father's travelling from Bristol and residing some time at Epsom, and of so much being required to be done the first year in a new trust, that sum did no more than repay the actual expenses incurred. It will be obvious to the Committee that such a trust as Reading, consisting of six miles only, distant from Bristol eighty miles, and from London forty miles, and anticipating an equal liberality on the part of the commis-