Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/21

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the expense of their subsequent repairs, sufficiently account for the tardy progress of road-making. From conviction of the very insufficient and expensive nature of the method in use, I was led to consider of the possibility of constructing lines of communication, capable of conveying the heaviest weights over every kind of soil, and at all seasons, upon principles purely scientific: a plan, which even in theory differs as widely from the inartificial methods of road-making hitherto practised, as the principle by which an arch is thrown over a river, differs from the heap of stones which constitutes the ford.

The actual experience of seven years, the great extent of road which has been entirely constructed according to my direction, and the unquestionable testimony of the Committees of the House of Commons appointed to enquire into this matter, have now placed the efficiency of the discovery beyond a doubt. It remains with the country to consider of the most wise and effectual mode of securing the benefit of the system.