Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/223

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It appears from the correspondence and documents obtained from the Treasury, as well as from the Reports of former Committees of the House, appointed to inquire into the state of the Highways of the Kingdom, that the first application made by Mr. M'Adam for payment of his expenses, and remuneration for his services, was in November 1819. This application was referred by the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, by letter, to the Postmasters General, for explanation and information; who, in reply, transmitted a Report from Mr. Johnson, the Superintendent of Mailcoaches, stating as follows:—

"As I travel rapidly over great distances, and my attention is usually much occupied with the immediate business of the office, I cannot speak with accuracy about particular and local alterations; but I feel myself well warranted in stating, that whenever I have found any thing done under Mr. M'Adam's immediate direction, or by his pupils, or even in imitation of his plan and principles, the improvement has been most decisive, and the superiority over the common method of repairing roads most evident; and, as Superintendent of Mailcoaches, I have abundant reason to wish that Mr. M'Adam's principles were acted upon